Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Conservation Laboratory

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Sirajuddin Haji Abdullah, S.TP., M.P.

Head of Laboratory

Mutawali, SP.

Laboratory Assistant

Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Conservation Laboratory was established simultaneously with the establishment of the Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry in 2012. This laboratory focuses on providing services to support educational activities such as practicum and research activities for the faculty members. Agricultural Environmental Engineering and Conservation Laboratory focuses on the applications of scientific principles and concepts related to soil and water resources alongside prioritizes agricultural environmental conservation efforts. Furthermore, this laboratory also actively engaged in research related to agricultural land management and engineering, watershed management, and water resource development. Laboratory works carried out including Fluid Mechanics, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Waste Treatment Technology, Agricultural and Environmental Buildings, Engineering Hydrology and Agroclimatology, and Agricultural and Biosystem Sciences. The scope of expertise in Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Conservation is the application of engineering principles in the management of water and soil resources to produce a suitable environment for the agro-industry sector.

The areas of study covered by this laboratory’s research are:

  1. Management of Soil and Water Resources: techniques for evaluating the suitability of agricultural land, geographic information systems, management and engineering of agricultural land, watershed management, management and development of water resources.
  2. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering: engineering hydrology and agroclimatology, soil and water conservation engineering, agricultural science and biosystems, biosystem engineering, environmental engineering, waste treatment engineering
  3. Irrigation and Drainage: Engineering of irrigation and drainage systems, irrigation system management, design of irrigation and drainage systems, hydroponics, and aeroponics.
  4. Agricultural Building Environmental Engineering: environmental science, environmental engineering, agricultural and environmental buildings, agricultural environmental design, engineering characteristics of agricultural products

Laboratory Services

Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Conservation Laboratory provides services, including :

  1. Supporting practical activities, especially Fluid Mechanics, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Waste Treatment Technology, Agricultural and Environmental Buildings, Hydrology and Agroclimatology Engineering, and Agricultural and Biosystem Sciences.
  2. Assisting the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which includes education, research, and community service related to laboratories based on applicable laboratory provisions
  3. Supporting research activities for both students and lecturers in providing facilities and infrastructure, especially those related to the fields of study of Fluid Mechanics, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Waste Treatment Technology, Agricultural and Environmental Buildings, Hydrology and Agroclimatology Engineering, and Agricultural and Biosystem Sciences.

Ancillary equipment

Laboratory facilities and equipments owned are Open Channel, NFT-type Hydroponics, Rotary Sprinkler Iron, Nursery cabinet, pH meter, TDS meter, TDS & EC meter, GPS Insight, Digital Theodolite, Analog Theodollit, Soil Moisture Ratio, Roll meter, Currentmeter, Greenhouse, Aquarium pump, Jet pump, Biopori drill, Turbidity test, Test Dissolved Oxygen, Analytical balance. Standard pH meter, standard TDS meter, Anemometer, Digital thermometer, Bar thermometer, Soil thermometer, Luxmeter, HTC02 Thermohygrometer, Mini Thermohygrometer, Soil Moisture sensor, Soil Color Chart, Wood Drill Bit Set 13 PC, Kit Making DFT type hydroponics, wick system hydroponic kit making*